James Ford Cairns (1914-2003)

James Ford Cairns was a prominent Labor Party and peace movement politician in the 1960s and 70s rising to prominence as an opponent of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam and as the leader of the moratorium movement that held mass rallies in Australian capital cities. A former policeman and academic where he lectured in economic history he rose to the position of Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer during the period of the Whitlam Government 1972-1975.

Cool Timeline

James Ford Cairns

Birth in Carlton but growing up on a dairy farm near Sunbury.[cool-timeline layout="default" designs="default" skin="default" category="timeline-stories" show-posts="10" order="DESC" icons="NO" animations="bounceInUp" date-format="default" story-content="short" based="default" compact-ele-pos="main-date" pagination="default" filters="no"]